Most web developers (or just developers) get so much excited with Push Notification. Most of them though, don't know that with great capability that Push Notification has, comes with great responsibility.

What Makes A Good Notification?

Users want notifications that, have timely information. Offer enough information to avoid visiting an app. Are personal or contextual. In short, that are day-altering.

Use notifications primarily for time-sensitive events, especially if these synchronous events involve other people. For instance, an incoming chat is a real-time and synchronous form of communication: Another user actively waiting on your response.
The intent of notifications is to tease users so theyโ€™ll open your app OR let them complete a task without having to open the app. Don't interrupt the user for low-level technical operations, like saving or syncing information, or updating an application if the app or system can resolve the issue without involving the user.
Keep it personal, if itโ€™s a chat notification, tell them who itโ€™s from. Don't create a notification if the relevant new information is currently on screen. Instead, use the UI of the application itself to notify the user of new information directly in context. For instance, a chat application should not create system notifications while the user is actively chatting with another user.

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