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Setting up

L W Background Sync

In this codelab you will learn how to add Background Sync to your Progressive Web App.

How to configure

To your js source folder, create an empty sync.js file and copy and paste the code snippet below to it. Remember to add it to your pages at the botton of your project's pages as shown at the botton of this githhub doc 😊

Background Sync is activated once your page is loaded by default. Though you could re-configure this to anything. Maybe listen to events like on click with javascript.

((window) => {
    'use strict';
    // Add Background Sync on page load
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    // Exposing `registerSync()` globally for only development purpose
    window.registerBGSync = () => {
      // If `serviceWorker` is registered and ready
        .then((registration) => {
          // Registering `Background Sync` event
          return registration.sync.register('Comments') 
           // `Comments` is sync tag name ; could be anything 😉
            .then((rs) => {
    'Background Sync registered!');
            }, () => {
              console.error('Background Sync registered failed.');